Wednesday, December 15, 2010


So what is an ipad? Many Apple fans may tell you "its everything you can ask for." To tell you the truth I really dont know what it is. But today I was able to go to an Apple store and find out what it can actually do. i learned that you can write documents, listen to music, downlaod music, watch movies, look at pictures, browse the web, and basically anything you can do with a computer. I was really impressed on how thin it was too. Your also able to play games and schedule things as if it were a planner.This device is great for anyone who are into new gadgets and new technology.

Cable/Satellite TV

When I came to blog today, I had no idea what to write about. But as soon as I saw the title to my blog something came to mind and that was how I never thought how television and the way its broadcasted is something that has really impacted everyone's lives. You may not think so, but it really does. If your a cable or satellite user, do you ever think how news is broadcasted live? Do you ever ask, how am I able to see them live? I always asked myself that but i could never answer it. But if you think about it, we need to be updated at all times; and companies such as Comcast and DirectTV have helped us alot. Whether its from being informed about our weekly weather or a natural disaster that occured in the Carribean. Its always good to know.

All in One Desktops

A few weeks ago my friend bought himself an HP Touchsmart over the internet and told me how great it was. I never knew what the touchsmart was until he talked about it and the word that i hear was that it was all in one. Its the first time Ive heard of a desktop being all in one. I think thats so useful; to have a desktop that doesnt need so many cables running. So basically what I learned was that you can touch the screen instead of using the mouse,wireless keyboards or wireless mouse can be plugged, and its CD/DVD drive is built in the monitor. Now this is a computer I would love to buy and invest money in.

All in one Printers

So recently i talked alittle bit about printers, but did you know theres printers can do more than just printing? Well they call them All-in-ones. They are able to print,copy/scan, and fax. Technology nowadays just makes everything easier. If you really thought about it, with new technology you can basically get everything done at home without really having to step outside. Yeah it may sounds kind of "fat" but its really possible to lvie life that way. Anyways these new printers can also print your favorite photos from your digital camera by just inserting the memory card. They usually are very easy to use and do not require expert knowledge to get one working.

The Ipod

There was the CD player, the cassete player, and now theres the Ipod. Everyone has an Ipod nowadays. To some people Music is Life and Life is Music. But what does that mean?? Well with their Ipod they can answer that question. The creators of the Ipod have been very sucessful with this device. Apple's creation has been very popular for all ages and can be a great Christmas present for anyone. These small devices are abkle to hold pictures, videos, games, and most of all music. Some even have installed a radio and camera. An ipod basically has everything you can ask for. 

Portable TV

Im a big fan of portable television because I like to watch a lot of TV. Basically its a small device with a small display that can viewed with good quality. Screens usually vary from size,but I believe the biggest they go are probably about 5 inches. Some history about portable TV's is that they were first introduced in the 1970s early 1980s. In 1982 Sony released their first model which was called Watchman. So for those who really like TV Im sure you have one of these. Nowadays cellphones are able to be used as televisions.

Credit Cards

"Life today would be crazyy without a credit," says my mother. I know there are many people out there who dont use cash to buy their goods anymore.I know I am one who doesnt carry cash anymore because its kind of useless now when stores now accept this plastic card I carry along. This way of "curency" has been the way internet shopping has evolved. If I wanted to buy a television from Tokyo Im able to do that with using my credit card. I believe the invention of the credit card has been a great way for people to do their shopping.


Cars have been a necessity in all of our daily lives. The technology cars have inside are them are unimaginable. Some features I can think on the top of my head that new cars have are: GPS system, Onstar System, Rear seat DVD player, and antilock brakes. These are just a few features. Modern cars are almost uncomparable to the old fashioned cars that were driven 100 years ago. New cars that are fully equipped obviously cost more, but if your want to experience what these new cars are capable of having just go to a dealership's website and build your own car. This is where I go to build my dream car.

Remote Car Starters

Im sure everyone knows we're in the winter season now and that its been really cold nowaydays. Now with the cold being very chilly it is reccomended to warm up your car before you drive. If you ever drove a frozen car to work, you know its very unpleasant having to be freezing the whole ride.And even when you have the heater on, cold air comes out. 
Well as technology progressed the car starter was invented. This device allows for remote access of your vehicles starter. Your able to start your car from the inside of your home without having to step outside. I think everyone should get one of these because its great when its really cold out and you wont have to go outside and have to deal with facing the cold wind.

The Cellphone

Im sure everyone knows what a cellphone.I also know for sure that almost everyone has one on them right now. That little device in your pocket was never that size 25 years ago. The cellphone has many uses nowaydays that practically you can do almost anything with a cellphone. Now you have a variety of different types of phones such as the touch screen,the qwerty keyboard, or a combination of the two. The first cell phones where big and bulky and were not a device you would try to fit in your pocket. From just looking at the picture, technology has come a long way. I would be embarrased if m cellphone were that big.

Life Without Television

So what do you think life would be without the television? No movies...and no laughter.I know many people who will say that the television is their life. There are so many TV shows now that theres always something good to watch. Your able to watch recent movies and even order movies with just using your control. The television has made its way to become a "must have" in someones home. If theres no TV at someone's house then theres no kind of entertainment.I know Im one who likes to watch TV and if someones takes it away from me I get mad haha.


I decided to talk alittle bit about printers and how they have changed.For those who do not know what a printer is its a  peripheral which produces a text and/or graphics of documents stored in electronic form, usually on physical print media such as paper or transparencies. The printer has had many uses over the last century. As time passed new forms of printing became available. So how would life be without a printer? Well the first thing that pops to mind is no more essays haha. Printers have come a long way though.

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Laptop

So I know everyone knows what a laptop is. But do you know the official dictionary definition? Well from a laptop is a portable, battery-powered microcomputer small enough to rest on the user's lap. A loptop basically has all the features of a desktop computer including a display a keyboard and a touchpad. A laptop is powered by an AC adaptor and can be used away from the outlet with a rechargable battery. There are many advantages to having this portable computer. Some of these advantages are: productivity, Immediacy, Size, Low power consumption, Quiet, battery, and its all in one. The disadvantages of these portable computers is thats its really hard to upgrade. To upgrade a laptop you would need to have a good sense of what your doing to figure it all out. In my opinion I still think laptops are great use for everyone whether they are traveling or not,

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Remember when cameras used to have film? If you look for film cameras they are really hard to find. Cameras are now digital and have become revolutionized with their quality of taking photos. Digital cameras were developed in the last quarter of the 20th century and have improved ever since. Compared to older cameras, these new digital cameras are very slim and lightweight. Photos are now stored in a memory card. Depending on the memory card size you can hold up to 200-500 photos. Pictures are also viewable through a display on the camera itself. Before, the pictures that were captured were only viewed after being processed. I believe that this new innovation in cameras has changed the world completely. I wonder what kind of new camera will come out later in the future..    

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Remote Control

Has anyone ever used a remote control to start your car up? Or has anyone ever used a remote control to control their alarm setting for their house? Well it was back in the late 1800s when the remote control device was invented.It operated a moving vehicle. Today we Americans have become very lazy. Theres controllers for everything. You name it theres a remote for it. So how would life be without a remote controller to turn ur televesion on or off? In my opinion people would be more active.Its pretty funny but its true. I could not imagine outr world without thise peice of technology.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I remember when i was younger my parents used to send and receive letters written from my family as far as Guatemala. At the time I never really figured that sending these letters actually took quite a while. I also noticed that the letters were very long.Now i look back and I'm like, "these letters were long because they took long to get to their destination"Everyone now knows that the quickest way to send mail is by using email. These messages are sent almost instantly and can be viewed all across the world. This innovating way of communication has been used buy almost everyone. Anyone with a computer or a cell phone can send emails. I'm always sending emails to my family that live in other countries.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mapping Gone Technical

So if anyone hasn't been up to date with technology here is something that has changed along the years. The use of maps and directions have been improved in ways that a child can get from new york to new jersey in just a few clcks. Has anyone ever tried to travel to another state just following directions from paper or from what someone has told you?Its not an easy thing to do. GPS has been so revolutional that its been integrated in phones, computers, and other devices. With this new technology more people are able to travel to places theyve never been to before. I have been able to go to Chicago, Rhode Island, New York, and Maryland with the use of GPS. Before I would dread to leave to another state and now its just a matter of deciding where to go.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

So what types of technology do you think is the most important?

I came up with this question when I started to think about the computer. The first thing I asked myself was, "How big were these room sized computers that everyone talks about?" And so I was curious and found a picture.The computer was huugeeeee back then. I couldnt have imagined what people had to go through to do a specific operation on it. Well back to the question, I believe computers are the most important. You can do anything on a computer.Theres really nothing a computer cant do. What do you guys think?

Thursday, September 30, 2010

A morning without an Alarm

Has anyone ever tried waking up really early in the morning without using a phone or alarm clock? Well I finally decided to try and wake up without something waking me up in the morning. Having only 5 hours of sleep I was not able to wake up at 6:30 this morning, but instead I ended up waking up at 5 in the morning. My body was so used to waking up early that I woke up earlier than planned. 
Many people are not able to wake up without the help of some type of electronic.Anyone who has any experiences with waking up using some kind of device please post how you think you would do without using it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Hey everyone my name is Nelson Martinez and I decided to come up with a topic that I believe will interest everyone. Technology has worked its way from the ground up and we all depend on it now. As a kid I've always liked video games and computers. Growing up I have seen how everything such as laptops and Nintendos' have updated their looks and performance. In this blog ill be posting up how technology is really needed in our society and how life would be without technology.