Thursday, September 23, 2010


Hey everyone my name is Nelson Martinez and I decided to come up with a topic that I believe will interest everyone. Technology has worked its way from the ground up and we all depend on it now. As a kid I've always liked video games and computers. Growing up I have seen how everything such as laptops and Nintendos' have updated their looks and performance. In this blog ill be posting up how technology is really needed in our society and how life would be without technology.


  1. I strongly agree with you on your topic of choice. It has helped tremendously in society. But I also would like to see you talk about, at some point, on the other side of things. Some people that I have met in my lifetime thus far, believe that technology has also made us lazy human beings. I would like to see your opinion on that statement, when you get a chance. I look forward to reading more.

  2. Greeting and salutations from Rualexplorer! i agree with keeneye, technology has made un dependent and lonely! I think that its great that there is a blog about technology! it is a great way to explore both sides of the tech debate! as for me, i long for a world or barefeet and shirtless service! untill next time, Happy travels!

  3. The world without technology would be very boring. I couldn't even imagine it cause we always grew up with it and were always around it. Maybe are great grandparents would know what it was like but I just couldn't imagine it. We use technology everyday in our lives the world would go crazy if one day it just all disappeared. We rely now heavily on computers for just about everything from communicated with one other to writing reports. I think I would cry if all the technology went away.
