Thursday, September 30, 2010

A morning without an Alarm

Has anyone ever tried waking up really early in the morning without using a phone or alarm clock? Well I finally decided to try and wake up without something waking me up in the morning. Having only 5 hours of sleep I was not able to wake up at 6:30 this morning, but instead I ended up waking up at 5 in the morning. My body was so used to waking up early that I woke up earlier than planned. 
Many people are not able to wake up without the help of some type of electronic.Anyone who has any experiences with waking up using some kind of device please post how you think you would do without using it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     


  1. Ive always mainly used an alarm clock, but sometimes it doesn't fire up or the power goes out and my alarm is no longer set. Even though that might be the case, I have still woken up early, and your right, it was slightly earlier than I would have woken up with the alarm. I think I could deal with it for a short period of time, but i think I would slowly but surely wake up later and later than the morning before. eventually I would have to retrain my body with an alarm.

  2. I always use the alarm on my phone to wake me up in the mornings. Just to make sure that I atleast get up on time, to try and make it to school at a reasonable time. Although sometimes I am still late it helps out alot. Even if I dont set my alarm I sometimes still wake up around that time on saturdays and sundays. I even wake up before my alarm goes off occasionaly. In that case I usually just go back to sleep and wait for it to wake me up. In those rare cases I hate when I set my alarm and I dont hear it go off and it makes me late. That hasnt happened in a while though.
