Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Remote Control

Has anyone ever used a remote control to start your car up? Or has anyone ever used a remote control to control their alarm setting for their house? Well it was back in the late 1800s when the remote control device was invented.It operated a moving vehicle. Today we Americans have become very lazy. Theres controllers for everything. You name it theres a remote for it. So how would life be without a remote controller to turn ur televesion on or off? In my opinion people would be more active.Its pretty funny but its true. I could not imagine outr world without thise peice of technology.

1 comment:

  1. I would really like a universal remote control for most of my stuff. I have just been to lazy to find a deal on one (I think most of them are $100+) and I would put programming it off for a couple weeks after I do get one. But yeah I can't see myself getting up out of my seat/bed and changing the channel ever again!
