Thursday, November 4, 2010


Remember when cameras used to have film? If you look for film cameras they are really hard to find. Cameras are now digital and have become revolutionized with their quality of taking photos. Digital cameras were developed in the last quarter of the 20th century and have improved ever since. Compared to older cameras, these new digital cameras are very slim and lightweight. Photos are now stored in a memory card. Depending on the memory card size you can hold up to 200-500 photos. Pictures are also viewable through a display on the camera itself. Before, the pictures that were captured were only viewed after being processed. I believe that this new innovation in cameras has changed the world completely. I wonder what kind of new camera will come out later in the future..    


  1. im amazed with how the quality of the pictures have changed over the years, from black and white pictures, to high resolution, full color vivid pictures,i cant help but think what kind of changes are there going to be in terms of picture quality...

  2. Well belieave it or not the future cameras are allready here. Cannon 5D and 7D are taking over. the market is so satureated with consummer based digital cameras that where at onetime only used for proffessionals are takeing over the market. Filmmaking is so advanved now that anyone can make a movie and compete with the majors. it is unbeleavable how things are in the industry.

  3. I believe film gets the best quality photo!! Though I admit for the every day user it is a good thing. There is still a huge difference between film and digital photographs. Digital photographs when blown up will become pixally and distorted, though when blowing up a film it can be way clearer. Even when blown up real close in film it is just grainy and still clear. Hopefully digital cameras will improve even better in quality than the film one day.
