Friday, December 10, 2010

The Laptop

So I know everyone knows what a laptop is. But do you know the official dictionary definition? Well from a laptop is a portable, battery-powered microcomputer small enough to rest on the user's lap. A loptop basically has all the features of a desktop computer including a display a keyboard and a touchpad. A laptop is powered by an AC adaptor and can be used away from the outlet with a rechargable battery. There are many advantages to having this portable computer. Some of these advantages are: productivity, Immediacy, Size, Low power consumption, Quiet, battery, and its all in one. The disadvantages of these portable computers is thats its really hard to upgrade. To upgrade a laptop you would need to have a good sense of what your doing to figure it all out. In my opinion I still think laptops are great use for everyone whether they are traveling or not,

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