Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mapping Gone Technical

So if anyone hasn't been up to date with technology here is something that has changed along the years. The use of maps and directions have been improved in ways that a child can get from new york to new jersey in just a few clcks. Has anyone ever tried to travel to another state just following directions from paper or from what someone has told you?Its not an easy thing to do. GPS has been so revolutional that its been integrated in phones, computers, and other devices. With this new technology more people are able to travel to places theyve never been to before. I have been able to go to Chicago, Rhode Island, New York, and Maryland with the use of GPS. Before I would dread to leave to another state and now its just a matter of deciding where to go.


  1. I love this technology. Even using Google Earth; even though I can't physically travel to different countries, I am able to do so using Google Earth. I can "go to" so many places in the world just by a click of my computer mouse. And yes its great for getting around town, but on a broader scale like traveling the world through your computer, its pretty cool.

  2. let me tell you the truth, I love this technology, without the invention of the GPS, i would not get so far driving.I tend to use GPS a lot, even to go to my mother's house in Pennsylvania. Even though i've drive there alot...
