Wednesday, December 15, 2010


So what is an ipad? Many Apple fans may tell you "its everything you can ask for." To tell you the truth I really dont know what it is. But today I was able to go to an Apple store and find out what it can actually do. i learned that you can write documents, listen to music, downlaod music, watch movies, look at pictures, browse the web, and basically anything you can do with a computer. I was really impressed on how thin it was too. Your also able to play games and schedule things as if it were a planner.This device is great for anyone who are into new gadgets and new technology.

Cable/Satellite TV

When I came to blog today, I had no idea what to write about. But as soon as I saw the title to my blog something came to mind and that was how I never thought how television and the way its broadcasted is something that has really impacted everyone's lives. You may not think so, but it really does. If your a cable or satellite user, do you ever think how news is broadcasted live? Do you ever ask, how am I able to see them live? I always asked myself that but i could never answer it. But if you think about it, we need to be updated at all times; and companies such as Comcast and DirectTV have helped us alot. Whether its from being informed about our weekly weather or a natural disaster that occured in the Carribean. Its always good to know.

All in One Desktops

A few weeks ago my friend bought himself an HP Touchsmart over the internet and told me how great it was. I never knew what the touchsmart was until he talked about it and the word that i hear was that it was all in one. Its the first time Ive heard of a desktop being all in one. I think thats so useful; to have a desktop that doesnt need so many cables running. So basically what I learned was that you can touch the screen instead of using the mouse,wireless keyboards or wireless mouse can be plugged, and its CD/DVD drive is built in the monitor. Now this is a computer I would love to buy and invest money in.

All in one Printers

So recently i talked alittle bit about printers, but did you know theres printers can do more than just printing? Well they call them All-in-ones. They are able to print,copy/scan, and fax. Technology nowadays just makes everything easier. If you really thought about it, with new technology you can basically get everything done at home without really having to step outside. Yeah it may sounds kind of "fat" but its really possible to lvie life that way. Anyways these new printers can also print your favorite photos from your digital camera by just inserting the memory card. They usually are very easy to use and do not require expert knowledge to get one working.

The Ipod

There was the CD player, the cassete player, and now theres the Ipod. Everyone has an Ipod nowadays. To some people Music is Life and Life is Music. But what does that mean?? Well with their Ipod they can answer that question. The creators of the Ipod have been very sucessful with this device. Apple's creation has been very popular for all ages and can be a great Christmas present for anyone. These small devices are abkle to hold pictures, videos, games, and most of all music. Some even have installed a radio and camera. An ipod basically has everything you can ask for. 

Portable TV

Im a big fan of portable television because I like to watch a lot of TV. Basically its a small device with a small display that can viewed with good quality. Screens usually vary from size,but I believe the biggest they go are probably about 5 inches. Some history about portable TV's is that they were first introduced in the 1970s early 1980s. In 1982 Sony released their first model which was called Watchman. So for those who really like TV Im sure you have one of these. Nowadays cellphones are able to be used as televisions.

Credit Cards

"Life today would be crazyy without a credit," says my mother. I know there are many people out there who dont use cash to buy their goods anymore.I know I am one who doesnt carry cash anymore because its kind of useless now when stores now accept this plastic card I carry along. This way of "curency" has been the way internet shopping has evolved. If I wanted to buy a television from Tokyo Im able to do that with using my credit card. I believe the invention of the credit card has been a great way for people to do their shopping.